begin your business, journey, or idea

Idea to Venture

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Our partners are offering a 100% scholarship for the SASIE Idea to Venture exclusive program that empowers women with the essential skills to turn your tech-based business idea into reality.

29th June, 2024

10:00-11:00 AM


What is the SASIE Idea to Venture Programme for women?

Available to African women, The SASIE (Sought After School of Innovation & Entrepreneurship) Idea to Venture programme is aimed for those who have an idea for a technology based business and would like to develop it further. It includes 6 weeks of learning worth $4000 (totally free for you), that could lead to a coveted spot in our business incubator/accelerator for 6 weeks.

Who can apply?

You must be over 18, be a woman, and live in Africa.
Representation really matters to us and we are committed to this. We are really keen to support Female led Entrepreneurship through this initiative. If you think “Idea to Venture” probably isn’t for me”, then we definitely want to hear your idea!

What’s the format?

Each cohort in the programme has a slightly different format. This cohort beginning in July will be held online with an in person meet-up at the end of. the program. Our goal is to make it as accessible as possible for those who would like to attend.

We will cover these key business fundamentals:



We will discuss the upcoming program schedule, engagement, and what to expect. There will be time to meet the programme team and get to know each other through group activities and discussion. We will take a first look at your ideas and start thinking about how to communicate with different audiences.


The Opportunity

We will cover the nature of entrepreneurship and build an understanding of self and values. We will help you to understand your connection with the problem you’re trying to solve and conduct a personal SWOT to uncover the opportunities and threats that could shape your founder journey.


The Idea​

This session looks at the difference between good ideas and strong business ideas. We take a first look at design thinking and customer centric approaches, including idea generation tools and frameworks. In this session we will help you to start building
your value proposition


The Customer

Building on the previous session, we will continue to build the value proposition canvas, looking at connecting the solution with customers. As well as looking at market opportunity and customer segments, we will look at how to put this into practise.


The Plan

In the penultimate session, we will consolidate all the previous sessions with the completion of the Value Propositions Canvas. We explore the next steps with an introduction to frameworks such as the business model canvas and Simon Sinek’s “start with the why”. We will also look at how you plan for the next steps of the journey.


The Numbers

Bootstrapping and grant funding to equity investment, it can be a complex world to navigate. In this final session we will look at the funding landscape, financial forecasting, and lean approaches.

As well as these core sessions you will have access to group coaching sessions, pitch training and the opportunity to pitch your business to our incubator for a fully funded spot for 6 weeks.

Yes, I need this! Save my seat today.

29th June

10am WAT

Information Session

Discover the programme’s objectives and network with other female innovators changing the African continent

Always wanted to run your own startup?​
Desperate to see your idea come to life?​
Want to create something that’s yours?​
Know you want to make an impact?​

Jennifer D. Daniel

Executive Director, SASIE


Dave Jarman

University of Bristol

Yomi Adeyinka

Digital Strategist

Andrew Charles Ford

CEO CustomerGig

Mark Neild

University of Bristol

Dean Taylor

VIMA Group

Akinyo Ola

University of Bristol

Frequently Asked Questions